Peritoneal Dialysis

Peritoneal Dialysis

Peritoneal dialysis (also called PD) is a treatment for kidney failure. It is a way to clean waste and fluid from your blood when your kidneys have stopped working.

PD uses the lining in your abdomen (called your peritoneum) and a special solution (called dialysate). Before you begin PD, a doctor will place a tube (called a catheter) into your abdomen. Through this tube, you will put new solution into your abdomen and drain old solution out.Each time you change the solution is called an exchange. Between exchanges, the solution will sit inside your abdomen. During this time, the solution will absorb waste and fluid from your blood, through your peritoneum. After a certain amount of time, you will replace the old solution with new solution.

Most people do their PD exchanges at home, but you can do them any place that is clean and dry. *
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